Borneol (C10H18O) is a bicyclic organic compound and a terpene derivative. The hydroxyl group in this compound is placed in an endo position.
Being chiral, borneol exists as two enantiomers. Both (+)-borneol (older name d-borneol) and (−)-borneol (l-borneol) are found in nature. Borneol is described as pungent, bitter, and slightly cold.
Borneol’s sources include natural extracts and artificial synthesis. Natural borneol has been widely used in food, medicine, cosmetics, and other industries.Borneol is one of the valuable medical material, senior aromatic spices, chemical materials, has been used in food and also folk medicine in China and India.
It is a premium ingredient to treat heart disease, coma and respiratory problems; improve digestive system; relieve pain; and promote relaxation.
Borneol - bicyclic organic compound in chrysanthemum plant
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