The Flavour and Fragrance Industry Today
In the course of the last decade, this enormous led to nearly revolutionary structural changes, especially in the technological sector.
This was the only to answer the trends towards natural systems, while simultaneously increasing cost effectiveness.
This resulted also in the transfferal of biotechnological basic knowledge into large areas of industrial production processes.
Additionally, gentle, modern technologies, such as reverse osmosis, ultra filtration, column chromatography and cold extraction processes, were increasingly employed to obtain stable.
Final product with the utmost degree of naturalness – a droving force of the flavoring and fragrance industry.
Today broad analytical knowledge, the result of the rapid development the analysis of different matrices is thanks to computer technology, omnipresent.
From simple gas chromatography assistance up to the highly improved analytical technique of the electronic nose detector as an example of a relatively new routine analytical approach – modern techniques are available for all areas of flavour creation, technological production and quality control.
In the end, the composition of a flavour remains a creative act of art despite the fact that today scientific knowledge of modern analytical methods is a prerequisite.
Based on flavour science, the combination of flavour compositions and building blocks permits the creation of taste sensation tailored for the customer’s delight.
The recipes resulting form such composition are today the last well kept secrets of the flavour houses.
The Flavour and Fragrance Industry Today
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