This highly prized, floral oil is produced from the steam distillation of orange blossoms. Neroli oil is extensively employed in the formulation of perfumes and other high-end fragrances. Neroli bigarade oil is sometimes used as a flavor component in food products, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages especially in tea.
C. aurantium |
This oil requires about 850 kg orange blossoms to produce a single kilogram of neroli oil. The flower of sweet orange (C.
sinensis) is called ‘neroli Portugal’, that of lemon (C.
limon) ‘neroli citronier. Flowers of C.
aurantium yield an essential oil called ‘neroli bigarade oil’.
The precious volatile oil from these flowers was first mentioned in 1563 by the Italian naturalist J.B della Porta. The designation neroli has been attributed to the Princess of Neroli, a member of the distinguished Italian Orsini family.
Neroli oil