Dill oil
Anethum graveolens. The major producers are the United States, Hungary and Bulgaria, followed by the Egypt.
The weed oil is steam distilled from the whole plant at a yield 0.7%. The seeds yield 3.5% oil.
The major market for dill oil is the United States.
The major components od dill weed oil are typically:
35% dextro-carvone (warm, spearmint, caraway)
25% alpha-phellandrene (light, fresh, peppery)
25% limonene (weak, light, citrus)
Dill weed oil can be adulterated with distilled orange terpenes, but this can be readily detected by gas chromatography.
The main use for dill oil is seasoning, particularly for use in pickles. There are no legal restrictions on the use of dill oils flavorings.
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