Thursday, August 03, 2006

What is food flavor?

Flavor is one of the most important sensory qualities of a food. Flavor can refer to a biological perception, such that is the sensation produced by a material taken in the mouth or flavor can refer to an attribute of the material being perceived.

Food flavor normally are compounds, many of which are natural, although there are also many synthetic ones, which are added to foods to flavors or to modify existing flavors.

The flavor is determined by a complex mixed of taste, aroma, chemical response and texture.

Food flavor may be a single chemical entity of naturals or synthetic origin. In the early days of human existence, salt, sugar, vinegar, herbs, spices were added to foods to improve their taste or to produce special, desirable taste.

Spices have been used in food for a long time. They contain essential oils, which contribute toward the fine aroma.

The range of natural and synthetic flavorings available to the modern food technologists is very large.

Food flavor includes taste sensations perceived by the tongue- sweet, salty, sour, bitter and smell perceived by the nose.

Consumers consider flavor one of the three main sensory properties decisive in their selection, acceptance and ingestion of a particular food.

Often the term flavor and smell are used interchangeably. Food flavor and aroma are difficult to measure and difficult to get people to agree on.

Flavor is a broader concept that either taste or aroma; aroma provides about 75% of the impression of flavor.

The flavor of food is created by aromatic chemicals that are biosynthesized during normal metabolic processes in plants and animals and possible further modified by cooking or processed.

Flavor regardless of the medium ion which they are dissolved, do not stay at the same intensity day after day, but diminished over time.
What is food flavor?

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