Monday, October 24, 2022


Foods rely on flavorings (or flavorants) to enhance their taste. Flavorants are ingredients that are added to foods in very small amounts, either to give a specific flavor to a product, such as a soft drink, boiled sweet or yoghurt, or to enhance or replace flavor lost during food processing. Flavorants can reduce the costs of food processing while allowing a healthier diet.

For example, smoke flavorants are flavoring agents which adds a smoky flavor to the food products. In the global food industry, smoke flavorants are used in the food processing industry to add an exotic smoky flavor to their food products without charring the outer surface of the food products especially the meat products.

Flavorants are focused on altering the flavors of natural food product such as meats and vegetables, or creating flavor for food products that do not have the desired flavors such as candies and other snacks.

Flavorants are complex mixtures of natural and synthetic materials used for improving the quality of life for those who wear or taste them. Flavor is affected by particle size. The behavior of particles in the mouth affects the texture and mouth feel of the final flavoring product. Larger particles lead to an inconsistent taste, that is less creaminess.

Flavorants market is segmented as

Plant-based flavorants are made from various natural sources, such as spices, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, herbs, or similar plant materials.

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