Flavor mixtures, as routinely manufactured today for addition to food or beverage products usually contain dozens of ingredients and thousands of individual chemicals.
It is simply not possible to justify more than 100 ingredients in a flavor. Depending on the type of flavor, the optimum number of ingredients can vary 15 to 100 but in most cases the best effect is obtained between 15 and 50 ingredients.
The flavor ingredients were largely natural spices and extracts – for example, salt, vinegar, citrus oils, cinnamon, vanilla and so on. Ingredient formulation is critical in new product devolvement to maximize quality and yield, attending both producer and consumer requirements.
Very often is that the active ingredients of food may be unknown. The creative flavorist may have to experiment with the flavoring system and intuitively make such changes in flavor formulation.
As consumer tastes expanded and world trade routes developed, the number of deferent flavor ingredients increased.
Ingredients in flavor formulation
The History and Global Influence of Chinese Noodles
The history of Chinese noodles dates back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220
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